
Saving and Sharing Vintage Treasures

I love vintage anything, but especially things from the 1930s through the early 1950s. I grew up in an old farm house that had a barn full of antiques. We didn't own the place and I hate to think that most of those old treasures ended up in the dump but I have a feeling they did. Perhaps growing up in an old place helped to spark my love of old things or maybe it was because I grew up watching TCM and AMC when all they played were the classics from the 30s, 40s and 50s. When girls were going silly for whoever was popular in the 90s, I was in love with stars like Cary Grant and Errol Flynn.

I enjoy cooking and have a large collection of vintage cookbooks. It's terribly hard for me to pass up a vintage cookbook. You never know what kind of knowledge lies buried within the old pages, not just from the writers but the handwritten notes of those who owned the books before me. Many people hate to see any kind of writing in their vintage finds but I love to see what they thought of a recipe, or changes they thought improved it. To me it just adds to the value and history of the book. I guess I'm sentimental that way. I feel like recipes are a personal thing and can give you a little glimpse into the life of the person who made them. Old cookbooks are a connection to the past and those who owned them, preserving their way of life and a piece of history.

I am starting to sell some of these treasures I find. I hope you will treasure them as much as I do and hand them down to future generations to enjoy.

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