Aunt Lola's Swans Down Cakes

My grandmother's Aunt Lola was known for her great cakes. Her secret ingredient — Swans Down Flour! She made the cakes with the recommended seven minute frostings almost always suggest by the recipes provided by Swans Down. I was able to find some 1940s recipe advertisements for Swans Down cakes. I am posting them below for your enjoyment. I hope you will make them and have as much success as she did. You can still find Swans Down cake flour in almost any well know grocery store or even Walmart.

Swan Down cake flour is sifted multiple times to make it finer and lighter than all-purpose flour — the key to great baked goods. The company has been around for over a 100 years and is still a favorite for those who love to bake above average end products.

Aunt Lola was a pretty and fashionable woman in her day, and though she likely got some of her recipes from the packaging, she probably also acquired them from magazines like Ladies Home Journal and the following advertisements.

If you are on a PC : To view the image full size and zoom in to read the article, simply "right click" on the image and select "view image" from the menu. Then press the CTRL key and the + button to zoom in. If you are unable to read the ads but want a recipe, let me know and I will type it out. Enjoy!

NOTE: It appears that milk is 3/4 cup but it's really 1 3/4 cup. The 1 was cut out in the scan.


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