Lana Turner 1943 Pin-Up Girl

Today's vintage flashback takes us to March 1943, and a clipping from Movies and Radio Guide — Lana Turner Pinup Girl. There's no denying she was truly a beautiful woman though her private life was anything but.

In 1943 she was voted top pin-up girl by 95,000 servicemen. She sold $5,500,000 worth of war securities on a Northwest bond-selling tour. She was a favorite at the Hollywood Canteen because she made shy and lonely men feel at home.

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A few interesting facts: She was born February 8, 1920 as Julia Jean Mildred Frances Turner (wow that was a long one). One of her Hollywood nicknames was Sweater Girl. She entered the business at the age of seventeen. Lana was married eight times and had one daughter, Cheryl Crane, who fatally stabbed Lana's gangster boyfriend Johnny Stompanato but was acquitted for protecting her mother who was being severely beaten.This was not the only tragedy, Lana's father was murdered in 1930 in San Francisco, after an all-night crap game. The killer was never found.

Lana's natural hair color was auburn but once bleached for Idiot's Delight in 1939, it was a hit and she was called the Nightclub Queen. When her apartment building caught on fire she took her hairdryer, lipstick and eyebrow pencil. (we all have priorities lol). She once counted and found she had 698 pairs of shoes. (like I said we all have priorities). She dreamed of being a dress designer when she was young.  She died of cancer June 29, 1995 in Century City California.

Personal Quote: A successful man is one who makes more money than a wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


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